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Mega Pony

This is a very good remake of Mega Man games with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic theme by Khao Mortadios. It’s Windows-only, but runs in Wine, although without sound (some kind of a workaround exists, but it’s not perfect). :·\ Anyway, I’m providing a mirror for download in case the official link (available from here) dies:

Megapony v1.1.exe (SHA256SUM)

Also, you might want to watch its trailer or a good review.

Order of Twilight

Nice small game which was completely created in just 48 hours. It’s a series of puzzles you need to go through. Very imaginative! Here’s my mirror of the game:

Order_of_Twilight.love (SHA256SUM)

Again, there’s a trailer (and making of!). Also, you’ll need LÖVE game engine installed in order to play this game (or try downloading a binary pack from the game’s homepage).

Last updated: 2016-09-28